Insect Damage
Denver Area Rug Cleaning – Insect Damage
Moths are the general culprits here because they are attracted to the Keratin that is found in natural wool fibers. They are more attracted to dirty fibers, so it is always a good idea to keep a rug as clean as possible. It is when they are in the larvae state when they love the keratin. So when moth season is in full swing the moths will lay the larvae for the next hatch. You will not really notice them until you start seeing the wool fibers of your rug disappearing, or appear to be wearing down to nothing.
A good solution is needed to remove the moth larvae, and followed by a thorough cleaning. Next apply the proper protectant for the style of rug and lastly apply a moth preventative treatment.
While the preventative treatment does not guarantee any further moth damage, it does add a bit of flavor to the fiber that is very tasty to the larvae.
Give Denver Rug Cleaning a call Now at 303-688-3212 to schedule a pick up and cleaning of your area rugs and ask about our moth prevention application and protectant.